Report No. 23, 56th Parliament - Inquiry into a sustainable Queensland intrastate shipping industry

Committee's report

The committee tabled its Report No 23, 56th Parliament, Inquiry into a sustainable Queensland intrastate shipping industry on Friday, 24 May 2019.  The government tabled its response to the recommendations contained in the report on 22 August 2019.  The report was debated 22 August 2019.

View:Government Response tabled on 22 August 2019
View:Transcript of the discussion and motion passed in Parliament on 22 August (page 2506).
The debate can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon within the transcript.

About the Inquiry

On 15 November 2018 the the Legislative Assembly passed the following motion:

That the Transport and Public Works Committee inquire into and report to the Legislative Assembly by 26 April 2019 on a sustainable Queensland intrastate shipping industry.

In undertaking this inquiry, the Committee should consider:

  1. The regional economic development and labour market benefits of a sustainable intrastate shipping industry in Queensland;
  2. Current intrastate coastal shipping task and identify any barriers and options to strengthen the intrastate shipping industry;
  3. Queensland’s contribution to, and the need for, an Australian inter-state shipping industry, and identify ways in which Queensland could contribute to improving the Australian inter-state shipping industry;
  4. Opportunities for future common user port infrastructure, and any adjustments to the provision of port services, to support the viability of a regular intrastate freight shipping service;
  5. Working conditions and safety practices on current coastal shipping vessels, comparing international vessels to Australian vessels;
  6. Any practices that are being used to erode working conditions, such as entitlements and legislative protections that currently apply to employees in the industry;
  7. Options for legislative, regulatory or policy reform that could strengthen the intrastate shipping industry, and ensure that Queensland’s labour market would benefit from this expanded industry, considering current Commonwealth legislation, reviews and constitutional limitations;
  8. Options for legislative, regulatory or policy reform to maintain the safety, rights and protections of workers in Queensland ports and maritime industry; and
  9. Options to minimise any potential impacts on the Great Barrier Reef from a strengthened intrastate shipping industry

View:    Introductory speech (page 3593)


Submissions closed:    21 January 2019

Public Briefing:            26 November 2018 - Department of Transport and Main Roads - transcript - broadcast
                                    29 January 2019 - Office of Industrial Relations - transcript- broadcast

Public Hearing:           11 February 2019 - transcript - broadcast
                                   25 February 2019 - transcript - broadcast (1)- broadcast (2)
                                   18 March 2019 - Gladstone, The Grand Hotel - transcript
                                   19 March 2019 - Cairns, Bluewater 2, Pullman Cairns International - transcript
                                   25 March 2019 - Brisbane - broadcast- transcript
                                  1 April 2019 - broadcast - transcript
                                  29 April 2019 - broadcast- audio only up to 2:38 then video starts from 2:39 - transcript
Report tabled            24 May 2019 - report

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