Report No. 28, 57th Parliament - Betting Tax and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

Committee’s report

The committee tabled its Report No. 28, 57th Parliament, Betting Tax and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 on Friday, 4 November 2022. The Bill was passed with amendment on 10 November 2022.

View:Government Response - tabled on 9 November 2022
View:Debate of the Bill in Parliament: 
Transcript 9 November 2022 (pages 3427-3464; 3477-3500) and Transcript 10 November 2022 (pages 3588-3593)
The debate can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon within the transcripts

About the BILL 

On 12 October 2022, Hon Cameron Dick MP, the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment, introduced the Betting Tax and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 into the Queensland Parliament.  The Bill was declared urgent and referred to the Education, Employment and Training Committee for detailed consideration.   

According to the explanatory notes, the main objective of the Bill is to provide for a more sustainable funding model for Queensland’s racing industry, primarily by amending the Betting Tax Act 2018, from 1 December 2022, to:

  • introduce a 5 per cent racing levy in addition to the 15 per cent betting tax rate;
  • incorporate free bets into the calculation of betting tax; and
  • provide for the hypothecation of 80 per cent of annual betting tax revenue to the Racing Queensland Board (Racing Queensland).

The Bill also amends the Payroll Tax Act 1971 to give effect to administrative, machinery and transitional arrangements required to the support the mental health levy which was recently established by the Revenue Legislation Amendment Act 2022

Further material about the Bill including any written briefings from the department, responses to submissions and questions taken on notice are available under the Related Publications tab.

View: Introductory speech
View: Bill
View: Explanatory Notes
View: Statement of compatibility

Call for submissions

Submissions closed on 21 October 2022. Submissions can be accessed under the ‘View Submissions’ tab above.


Submissions closed:Friday 21 October 2022
Public briefing:Monday 24 October 2022 - Program - Broadcast - Transcript
Public hearing:Monday 24 October 2022 - Program - Broadcast - Transcript
Report tabled:Friday, 4 November 2022


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