Oversight of the Crime and Corruption Commission

The committee has oversight of the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC). Parliamentary oversight was recommended by the 1989 Fitzgerald Inquiry.

The CCC is an independent statutory body established under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 to combat and reduce the incidence of major crime and corruption in the public sector in Queensland. The CCC investigates crime and corruption and has oversight of the public sector including police and witness protection. The CCC also has a research function.

The Crime and Misconduct Commission was formed on 1 January 2002 with the merger of the former Criminal Justice Commission and the Queensland Crime Commission, becoming a single body to fight crime and public sector misconduct. The Crime and Misconduct Commission became the CCC on 1 July 2014, with a new jurisdiction to focus on serious and systemic corruption. 

Under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001, the committee’s functions are to monitor and review the performance by the CCC of its functions by:

  • receiving and considering complaints against the CCC
  • reviewing CCC guidelines and policies and may make suggestions for improvement of CCC practices
  • reviewing CCC reports, including annual reports and research reports
  • requesting reports from the CCC on matters which have come to the committee’s attention, through the media or by other means
  • dealing with ad hoc issues concerning the CCC as they arise

More information on the CCC can be found on their website at www.ccc.qld.gov.au.

See the Guide to making a complaint about the Crime and Corruption Commission to the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee if you wish to make a complaint to the committee about the CCC.

A link to information about recent and upcoming public joint meetings with the CCC is available here.

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