The Office of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Commissioner

The Office of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Commissioner (Parliamentary Commissioner) is established under Part 4 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001.

The Parliamentary Commissioner undertakes inspections and reviews of Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) compliance with legislation on behalf of the committee. The Parliamentary Commissioner’s inspections and reviews relate to:

  • intelligence data in the possession of the CCC and the Queensland Police Service
  • surveillance device warrants, retrieval warrants and emergency authorisations
  • controlled operations
  • assumed identities
  • telecommunications interception records.

The Parliamentary Commissioner then prepares reports for the committee on the inspections and reviews.

The Parliamentary Commissioner can investigate, in limited circumstances:

  • complaints against the CCC
  • allegations of possible unauthorised disclosure of information or other material that, under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001, is confidential
  • complaints about the conduct of a CCC officer that involves or may involve corrupt conduct.

The current Parliamentary Commissioner is Mr Michael Woodford.

A link to information about recent and upcoming public joint meetings with the Parliamentary Commissioner is available here.

Reports of the Parliamentary Commissioner which have recently been tabled by the committee are available on the committee's webpage here under the "Related Publications" tab.

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