Consideration of Auditor-General Report 8: 2022-23 – Energy 2022


Role of the Auditor-General

The role of the Auditor-General is to provide Parliament with independent assurance of public sector accountability and performance. This is achieved through reporting to Parliament on the results of its financial and performance audits.


View:  Auditor-General Report 8: 2022-23—Energy 2022

The Auditor-General’s report was tabled on 9 December 2022.

This report summarises the audit results of Queensland’s six energy entities. These entities generate (CleanCo, CS Energy, and Stanwell), transmit (Powerlink), and distribute (Energy Queensland) most of Queensland’s electricity; and Ergon Energy Queensland is the electricity retailer for most customers in regional Queensland.

The Auditor-General has made 1 recommendation - for the energy entities this year to address the security of their information systems. This was the same recommendation in Energy 2020 (Report 11: 2020–21). While entities took appropriate action to resolve the issues we reported to them last year, the implementation of new information systems meant similar control weaknesses were identified this year. All entities must have strong security practices to protect against cyber attacks, fraud, error, and significant reputational damage. Our report on Managing cyber security risks (Report 3: 2019– 20) provides information on effective management of cyber security risks and mitigation strategies.


Standing Order 194B provides that the Committee of the Legislative Assembly shall as soon as practicable after a report of the Auditor-General is tabled in the Assembly refer that report to the relevant portfolio committee(s) for consideration.

The committee is responsible under section 94 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 for assessing the integrity, economy, efficiency and effectiveness of government financial management by examining government financial documents and considering reports of the Auditor-General.

The Committee of the Legislative Assembly referred this Auditor-General report to the committee on 23 February 2023.

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Public Briefing 13 March 2023 - Queensland Audit Office

View:  Program - Broadcast - Transcript

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