Appoint Mr Peter Vigor as Principal of the Townsville West State School

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
C Miller
C/- P&C Townsville West State School
Total Signatures - 51
Sponsoring Member: Mandy Johnstone MP
Posting Date: 29/11/2011
Tabled Date: 29/11/2011
Responded By: Hon Cameron Dick MP on 21/12/2011
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House what we believe is a gross oversight by Education Queensland. The School's Acting Principal for three years, Peter Vigor, has not been given the equitable opportunity of being appointed the permanent Principal of the school (though well qualified). Whilst we understand parents and supporters should not become involved with the politics of placements within the education system, parents are asking why, if they feel and recognise that there has been an uplifting and positive change at the school under Mr Vigor's leadership that more thought has not been put into this selection process. Why has a positive situation been interfered with? From our understanding, the school has not had a permanent Principal appointed for five years. Mr Vigor has been in an acting role for three years and should, we believe, qualify for the role. We as parents, feel he has earned his spurs. Imagine our dismay at being informed he was not even considered for the position. Mr Vigor has worked closely with the P&C, parents and the school's adopted Rotary Club to secure funds for school projects and raised community confidence resulting in enrolments increasing from 76 to 127; raised the profile and reputation of the school; and worked tirelessly to improve the school's education program.


Your petitioners therefore request the House to appoint Mr Vigor to Principal of Townsville West School, being the most qualified person to lead the school into the next period of its growth.