53rd Parliament
Building Boost Grant Amendment Bill 2012
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 14/2/2012
Stage reached:
PASSED on 16/2/2012
Assent Date:
Act No:
4 of 2012
see Act for details
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2011
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 29/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 14/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 4/8/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
22 of 2011
Date of Assent
Appropriation Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 14/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 4/8/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
23 of 2011
Date of Assent
Biosecurity Bill 2011
Introduced by:
T S Mulherin on 25/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Building Boost Grant Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 8/9/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 27/10/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
36 of 2011
see Act for details
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 24/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/10/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
34 of 2011
see Act for details
Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming (Two-up) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 7/9/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 14/2/2012
Assent Date:
Act No:
2 0f 2012
Date of Assent
Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
T S Mulherin on 15/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Civil Partnerships Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 25/10/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 30/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
46 of 2011
by Proclamation
Civil Proceedings Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 24/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 29/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
45 of 2011
see Act for details
Commercial Arbitration Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 15/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Commonwealth Games Arrangements Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 17/11/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 29/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
42 of 2011
see Act for details
Community Ambulance Cover Levy Repeal and Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 14/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/6/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
20 of 2011
see Act for details
Criminal and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 13/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Criminal Code (Anzac Day Betting) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
J P Bleijie on 11/5/2011
Stage reached:
Discharged on 14/2/2012
Criminal Organisation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 25/10/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 29/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
43 of 2011
Date of Assent
Disaster Readiness Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 11/10/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 25/10/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
33 of 2011
Date of Assent
Domestic and Family Violence Protection Bill 2011
Introduced by:
K Struthers on 6/9/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 16/2/2012
Assent Date:
Act No:
5 of 2012
see Act for details
Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 6/9/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 16/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
38 of 2011
see Act for details
Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 2/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 16/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
39 of 2011
see Act for details
Electoral Reform and Accountability Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 7/4/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 11/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
14 of 2011
Date of Assent
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 8/3/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 22/3/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
4 of 2011
see Act for details
Electricity Price Reform Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 15/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 7/9/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
29 of 2011
see Act for details
Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction)and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
V E Darling on 26/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Fair Trading Inspectors Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 17/2/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Fairer Water Prices for SEQ Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 12/5/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/6/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
21 of 2011
see Act for details
Family Responsibilities Commission and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C W Pitt on 23/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/10/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
35 of 2011
Date of Assent
Forensic Disability Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C W Pitt on 7/4/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 10/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
13 of 2011
by Proclamation
Gas Security Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 6/4/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 12/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
16 of 2011
see Act for details
Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2011
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 16/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 13/10/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
32 of 2011
by Proclamation
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 23/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 17/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
41 of 2011
see Act for details
Heavy Vehicle National Law Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A Palaszczuk on 15/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 15/11/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 29/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
44 of 2011
Date of Assent
Identification Laws Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P W Wellington on 13/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Law Reform Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 1/12/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Local Government Electoral (Declaration) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 8/9/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 8/9/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
30 of 2011
Date of Assent
Local Government Electoral Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 16/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/8/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
27 of 2011
see Act for details
Major Sports Facilities Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P G Reeves on 23/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 6/9/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
28 of 2011
see Act for details
Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P G Reeves on 23/8/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Multicultural Recognition Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A Palaszczuk on 11/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Bill 2011
Introduced by:
K J Jones on 22/3/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 7/4/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
11 of 2011
Date of Assent
One Funding System for Better Services Bill 2011
Introduced by:
K Struthers on 6/9/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Parliament of Queensland (Reform and Modernisation) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 5/4/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 12/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
15 of 2011
see Act for details
Parliamentary Service and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 17/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 2/8/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
24 of 2011
by Proclamation
People's House Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P McLindon on 24/5/2011
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 26/10/2011
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 15/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 25/8/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
T S Mulherin on 6/9/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Queensland Art Gallery Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 29/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Queensland Reconstruction Authority Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 16/2/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/2/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
1 of 2011
Date of Assent
Referendum for an Upper House Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P McLindon on 24/5/2011
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 26/10/2011
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
K Struthers on 10/5/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Resources Legislation (Balance, Certainty and Efficiency) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
S L Hinchliffe on 29/11/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 22/3/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 5/4/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
8 of 2011
see Act for details
Right to Information (Government-related Entities) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
J P Bleijie on 8/9/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Safety in Recreational Water Activities Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 10/5/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
19 of 2011
by Proclamation
South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 11/10/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 14/2/2012
Assent Date:
Act No:
1 of 2012
see Act for details
Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 7/9/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Strategic Cropping Land Bill 2011
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 25/10/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 1/12/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
47 of 2011
see Act for details
Surat Basin Rail (Long-term Lease) Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 25/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Sustainable Planning (Housing Affordability and Infrastructure Charges Reform) Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 10/5/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 25/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
17 of 2011
see Act for details
Sustainable Planning and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 11/10/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 15/2/2012
Assent Date:
Act No:
3 of 2012
see Act for details
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
A Palaszczuk on 23/3/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 7/4/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
12 of 2011
see Act for details
Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 11/10/2011
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Waste Reduction and Recycling Bill 2011
Introduced by:
V Darling on 3/8/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 12/10/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
31 of 2011
see Act for details
Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
K J Jones on 16/6/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 17/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
40 of 2011
Date of Assent
Weapons Amendment Bill 2011
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 12/5/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 15/11/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
37 of 2011
by Proclamation
Work Health and Safety Bill 2011
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 10/5/2011
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/5/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
18 of 2011
see Act for details
Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 23/11/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 23/8/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
26 of 2011
by Proclamation
Agents Financial Administration Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Agricultural College and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
T S Mulherin on 9/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 11/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
10 of 2010
Date of Assent
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 8/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 5/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
27 of 2010
Date of Assent
Appropriation Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 8/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 5/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
28 of 2010
Date of Assent
Architects Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
R E Schwarten on 9/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 15/4/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
18 of 2010
Date of Assent
Body Corporate and Community Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 23/11/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 6/4/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
9 of 2011
see Act for details
Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 18/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 15/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
35 of 2010
see Act for details
Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 15/4/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 20/5/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
21 of 2010
see Act for details
Carers (Recognition) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A Palaszczuk on 8/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 28/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
47 of 2010
by Proclamation
Child Care and Another Act Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 9/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 24/2/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
4 of 2010
see Act for details
Child Protection (More Stringent Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
V G Johnson on 14/4/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 6/4/2011
Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 17/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 6/4/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
10 of 2011
by Proclamation
Child Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P G Reeves on 10/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 2/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
33 of 2010
see Act for details
City of Brisbane Bill 2010
Introduced by:
D Boyle on 15/4/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 9/6/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
23 of 2010
see Act for details
Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 13/4/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 3/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
26 of 2010
by Proclamation
Commercial Agents Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Schoolchildren) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
B Flegg on 10/3/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 15/9/2010
Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police and Particular Other Persons) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
L J Springborg on 24/2/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 1/9/2010
Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 24/3/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
7 of 2011
Date of Assent
Criminal History Screening Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
K Struthers on 9/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/2/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
5 of 2010
see Act for details
Criminal Proceeds Confiscation (Serious and Organised Crime Unexplained Wealth) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
L J Springborg on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 12/10/2011
Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P W Wellington on 14/4/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 15/6/2011
Disaster Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 8/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 5/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
40 of 2010
by Proclamation
Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 31/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 5/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
41 of 2010
see Act for details
Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 18/5/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 28/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
50 or 2010
Date of Assent
Electoral (Truth in Advertising) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
J-P H Langbroek on 19/5/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 11/5/2011
Electoral Reform Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P McLindon on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 11/5/2011
Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
K J Jones on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 24/3/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
6 of 2011
see Act for details
Fair Trading (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 31/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/11/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
54 of 2010
by Proclamation
Geothermal Energy Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 19/5/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 19/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
31 of 2010
see Act for details
Health Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 25/3/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 13/4/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
14 of 2010
see Act for details
Holidays Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 14/9/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 7/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
43 of 2010
Date of Assent
Integrity Reform (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 3/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 16/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
37 of 2010
by Proclamation
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 16/9/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 6/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
42 of 2010
see Act for details
Land Tax Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 23/3/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 14/4/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
15 of 2010
see Act for details
Land Valuation Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 1/9/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 16/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
39 of 2010
see Act for details
Liquor and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 28/10/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 23/11/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
51 of 2010
see Act for details
Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 8/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
46 of 2010
see Act for details
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 25/11/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 8/3/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
2 of 2011
see Act for details
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 9/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 15/4/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
17 of 2010
see Act for details
Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 3/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 16/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
36 of 2010
by Proclamation
Motor Accident Insurance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 5/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 31/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
32 of 2010
see Act for details
Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 5/10/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 23/11/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
52 of 2010
see Act for details
Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 9/3/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 24/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
12 of 2010
see Act for details
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 25/11/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 2/8/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
25 of 2011
by Proclamation
Occupational Licensing National Law (Queensland) Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 6/10/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 28/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
49 of 2010
see Act for details
Penalties and Sentences (Sentencing Advisory Council) Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 3/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 28/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
48 of 2010
by Proclamation
Personal Property Securities (Ancillary Provisions) Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 5/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 7/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
44 of 2010
see Act for details
Police Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 5/10/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/10/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
45 of 2010
Date of Assent
Property Agents and Motor Dealers and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 24/3/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 17/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
30 of 2010
see Act for details
Property Agents Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 24/11/2010
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 3/8/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 16/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
38 of 2010
by Proclamation
Queensland Industry Participation Policy Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 27/10/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 23/3/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
5 of 2011
by Proclamation
Racing and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 13/4/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 20/5/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
22 of 2010
see Act for details
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 9/3/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 23/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
11 of 2010
see Act for details
Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 8/6/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 11/6/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
25 of 2010
see Act for details
Seniors Recognition (Grandparents Providing Care) Bill 2010
Introduced by:
R N Menkens on 10/3/2010
Stage reached:
Discharged on 27/10/2010
South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 13/4/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 19/5/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
20 of 2010
see Act for details
Transport (Rail Safety) Bill 2010
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 9/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/2/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
6 of 2010
by Proclamation
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 15/4/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/5/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
19 of 2010
see Act for details
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 10/3/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
13 of 2010
see Act for details
Valuation of Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 11/2/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 9/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
7 of 2010
Date of Assent
Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 26/10/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/11/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
53 of 2010
see Act for details
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 18/5/2010
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 9/6/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
24 of 2010
see Act for details
Adoption Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P G Reeves on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 18/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
29 of 2009
see Act for details
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 16/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 6/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
27 of 2009
Date of Assent
Appropriation Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 16/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 6/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
28 of 2009
Date of Assent
Auditor-General Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/5/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
8 of 2009
by Proclamation
Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 18/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
20 of 2009
Date of Assent
Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 29/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 12/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
51 of 2009
see Act for details
Charter of Budget Honesty Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
Lapsed on 19/2/2012
Civil Liability and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 7/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 11/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
9 of 2010
see Act for details
Commissions of Inquiry (Corruption, Cronyism and Unethical Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
J-P H Langbroek on 28/10/2009
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 25/11/2009
Constitution (Fixed-term Parliament) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P W Wellington on 17/6/2009
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 16/9/2009
Constitution (Preamble) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 24/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 23/2/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
3 of 2010
by Proclamation
Coroners and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 20/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
32 of 2009
see Act for details
Corrective Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 19/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
30 of 2009
by Proclamation
Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 10/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 14/4/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
16 of 2010
see Act for details
Crime and Misconduct and Summary Offences Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 21/5/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
12 of 2009
Date of Assent
Criminal Code (Abusive Domestic Relationship Defence and Another Matter) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 26/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 9/2/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
1 of 2010
Date of Assent
Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Children) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
B Flegg on 28/10/2009
Stage reached:
Withdrawn on 10/3/2010
Criminal Code (Honesty and Integrity in Parliament) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
J-P H Langbroek on 19/8/2009
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 28/10/2009
Criminal Code (Medical Treatment) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 1/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 3/9/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
33 of 2009
Date of Assent
Criminal Code and Other Legislation (Misconduct, Breaches of Discipline and Public Sector Ethics) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 2/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 4/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
25 of 2009
see Act for details
Criminal Organisation Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 29/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 26/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
53 of 2009
by Proclamation
Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 1/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 2/9/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
34 of 2010
by Proclamation
Disability Services (Criminal History) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Cripps on 7/10/2009
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 25/2/2010
Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 4/8/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 7/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
40 of 2009
by Proclamation
Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 16/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 7/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
39 of 2009
see Act for details
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 4/8/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/9/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
38 of 2009
see Act for details
Environmental Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
K J Jones on 12/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 22/3/2011
Assent Date:
Act No:
3 of 2011
by Proclamation
Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Provisions Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 27/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 11/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
49 of 2009
see Act for details
Family (Surrogacy) Bill 2009
Introduced by:
L J Springborg on 11/11/2009
Stage reached:
Discharged on 11/2/2010
Financial Accountability Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/5/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
9 of 2009
see Act for details
Fuel Subsidy Repeal and Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 16/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
22 of 2009
see Act for details
Gambling and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 3/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 8/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
41 of 2009
see Act for details
Great Barrier Reef Protection Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
K J Jones on 4/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 8/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
42 of 2009
see Act for details
Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 29/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
44 of 2009
see Act for details
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 6/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 29/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
45 of 2009
see Act for details
Industrial Relations Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 2/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
15 of 2009
Date of Assent
Information Privacy Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 2/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
14 of 2009
by Proclamation
Infrastructure Investment (Asset Restructuring and Disposal) Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 16/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
21 of 2009
Date of Assent
Integrated Planning Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P W Wellington on 28/10/2009
Stage reached:
Withdrawn on 24/2/2010
Integrity Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 10/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 25/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
52 of 2009
by Proclamation
Juvenile Justice (Sentencing Principles) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
L J Springborg on 3/6/2009
Stage reached:
2nd reading failed on 2/9/2009
Juvenile Justice and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
K L Struthers on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 2/9/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
34 of 2009
see Act for details
Local Government Bill 2009
Introduced by:
D Boyle on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 4/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
17 of 2009
see Act for details
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 3/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
16 of 2009
see Act for details
Parliament of Queensland Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 19/5/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
7 of 2009
Date of Assent
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 1/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/9/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
37 of 2009
see Act for details
Property Law and Another Act Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 20/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
31 of 2009
Date of Assent
Prostitution and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
N S Roberts on 18/8/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 17/8/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
29 of 2010
see Act for details
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Jurisdiction Provisions) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
24 of 2009
by Proclamation
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
23 of 2009
by Proclamation
Radiation Safety Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P T Lucas on 25/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 10/3/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
8 of 2010
by Proclamation
Resorts and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 4/8/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
26 of 2009
see Act for details
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 3/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 17/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
19 of 2009
see Act for details
Right to Information Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 19/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 2/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
13 of 2009
by Proclamation
South-East Queensland (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Natural Resources Provisions Bill 2009
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 6/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 29/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
46 of 2009
see Act for details
State Penalties Enforcement and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 16/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 11/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
48 of 2009
see Act for details
Superannuation (State Public Sector) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A P Fraser on 23/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 21/5/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
11 of 2009
Date of Assent
Surrogacy Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 26/11/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 11/2/2010
Assent Date:
Act No:
2 of 2010
by Proclamation
Sustainable Planning Bill 2009
Introduced by:
S J Hinchliffe on 19/6/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 16/9/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
36 of 2009
by Proclamation
Telecommunications Interception Bill 2009
Introduced by:
A M Bligh on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 21/5/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
10 of 2009
by Proclamation
Trade Measurement Legislation Repeal Bill 2009
Introduced by:
P J Lawlor on 15/9/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 11/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
50 of 2009
see Act for details
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
R G Nolan on 8/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 10/11/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
47 of 2009
see Act for details
Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Interlocks) Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
F S Simpson on 11/11/2009
Stage reached:
Discharged on 25/3/2010
Vegetation Management (Regrowth Clearing Moratorium) Bill 2009
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 22/4/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 23/4/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
6 of 2009
see Act for details
Vegetation Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
S Robertson on 6/10/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 27/10/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
43 of 2009
see Act for details
Victims of Crime Assistance Bill 2009
Introduced by:
C R Dick on 18/8/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED on 3/9/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
35 of 2009
see Act for details
Water and Another Act Amendment Bill 2009
Introduced by:
G J Wilson on 20/5/2009
Stage reached:
PASSED with amendment on 4/6/2009
Assent Date:
Act No:
18 of 2009
see Act for details
Short Title | Bill | Exp Note | Introduced by (date) | Stage reached (date) | Amendaments | Assent Date | Act No. | Commences |
2012 |
Building Boost Grant Amendment Bill 2012 | A P Fraser (14/2/2012) | PASSED (16/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
17/2/2012 | 4 of 2012 | see Act for details | ||
2011 |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2011 | R G Nolan (29/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2011 | A P Fraser (14/6/2011) | PASSED (4/8/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
9/8/2011 | 22 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Appropriation Bill 2011 | A P Fraser (14/6/2011) | PASSED (4/8/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
9/8/2011 | 23 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Biosecurity Bill 2011 | T S Mulherin (25/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Building Boost Grant Bill 2011 | A P Fraser (8/9/2011) | PASSED with amendment (27/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
4/11/2011 | 36 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (24/8/2011) | PASSED (26/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
28/10/2011 | 34 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming (Two-up) Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (7/9/2011) | PASSED with amendment (14/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
17/2/2012 | 2 0f 2012 | Date of Assent | ||
Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011 | T S Mulherin (15/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Civil Partnerships Bill 2011 * | A P Fraser (25/10/2011) | PASSED (30/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
6/12/2011 | 46 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Civil Proceedings Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (24/8/2011) | PASSED with amendment (29/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed Act |
6/12/2011 | 45 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Commercial Arbitration Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (15/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Commonwealth Games Arrangements Bill 2011 | A M Bligh (17/11/2011) | PASSED (29/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
6/12/2011 | 42 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Community Ambulance Cover Levy Repeal and Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | A P Fraser (14/6/2011) | PASSED (17/6/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
27/6/2011 | 20 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Criminal and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (13/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Criminal Code (Anzac Day Betting) Amendment Bill 2011 * | J P Bleijie (11/5/2011) | Discharged (14/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Criminal Organisation Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (25/10/2011) | PASSED (29/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
6/12/2011 | 43 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Disaster Readiness Amendment Bill 2011 | A M Bligh (11/10/2011) | PASSED (25/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
28/10/2011 | 33 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Domestic and Family Violence Protection Bill 2011 | K Struthers (6/9/2011) | PASSED with amendment (16/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
17/2/2012 | 5 of 2012 | see Act for details | ||
Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) Bill 2011 | C R Dick (6/9/2011) | PASSED with amendment (16/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
24/11/2011 | 38 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | C R Dick (2/8/2011) | PASSED with amendment (16/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
24/11/2011 | 39 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Electoral Reform and Accountability Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (7/4/2011) | PASSED with amendment (11/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
19/5/2011 | 14 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | C R Dick (8/3/2011) | PASSED with amendment (22/3/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/4/2011 | 4 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Electricity Price Reform Amendment Bill 2011 | S Robertson (15/6/2011) | PASSED (7/9/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
13/9/2011 | 29 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction)and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | V E Darling (26/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Fair Trading Inspectors Bill 2011 | P J Lawlor (17/2/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Fairer Water Prices for SEQ Amendment Bill 2011 | S Robertson (12/5/2011) | PASSED (17/6/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
27/6/2011 | 21 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Family Responsibilities Commission and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011 | C W Pitt (23/8/2011) | PASSED (26/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
4/11/2011 | 35 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Forensic Disability Bill 2011 | C W Pitt (7/4/2011) | PASSED (10/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
19/5/2011 | 13 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Gas Security Amendment Bill 2011 | S J Hinchliffe (6/4/2011) | PASSED (12/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Exp Note - erratum Act |
19/5/2011 | 16 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Health and Hospitals Network Bill 2011 | G J Wilson (16/6/2011) | PASSED with amendment (13/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/10/2011 | 32 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | G J Wilson (23/8/2011) | PASSED with amendment (17/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
24/11/2011 | 41 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Heavy Vehicle National Law Bill 2011 | A Palaszczuk (15/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | C R Dick (15/11/2011) | PASSED (29/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
6/12/2011 | 44 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Identification Laws Amendment Bill 2011 * | P W Wellington (13/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Law Reform Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (1/12/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Local Government Electoral (Declaration) Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (8/9/2011) | PASSED (8/9/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
13/9/2011 | 30 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Local Government Electoral Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (16/6/2011) | PASSED with amendment (25/8/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/9/2011 | 27 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Major Sports Facilities Amendment Bill 2011 | P G Reeves (23/8/2011) | PASSED (6/9/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech Act |
8/9/2011 | 28 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds Amendment Bill 2011 | P G Reeves (23/8/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Multicultural Recognition Bill 2011 | A Palaszczuk (11/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Bill 2011 | K J Jones (22/3/2011) | PASSED (7/4/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/4/2011 | 11 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
One Funding System for Better Services Bill 2011 | K Struthers (6/9/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Parliament of Queensland (Reform and Modernisation) Amendment Bill 2011 | A M Bligh (5/4/2011) | PASSED with amendment (12/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed 2nd reading speech Act |
19/5/2011 | 15 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Parliamentary Service and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011 | A M Bligh (17/6/2011) | PASSED (2/8/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
9/8/2011 | 24 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
People's House Bill 2011 * | A P McLindon (24/5/2011) | 2nd reading failed (26/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) Amendment Bill 2011 | N S Roberts (15/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | N S Roberts (25/8/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011 | T S Mulherin (6/9/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Queensland Art Gallery Amendment Bill 2011 | R G Nolan (29/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Queensland Reconstruction Authority Bill 2011 | A M Bligh (16/2/2011) | PASSED (17/2/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
21/2/2011 | 1 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Referendum for an Upper House Bill 2011 * | A P McLindon (24/5/2011) | 2nd reading failed (26/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment Bill 2011 | K Struthers (10/5/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Exp Note - erratum |
Resources Legislation (Balance, Certainty and Efficiency) Amendment Bill 2011 | S L Hinchliffe (29/11/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | A P Fraser (22/3/2011) | PASSED (5/4/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
8/4/2011 | 8 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Right to Information (Government-related Entities) Amendment Bill 2011 * | J P Bleijie (8/9/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Safety in Recreational Water Activities Bill 2011 | C R Dick (10/5/2011) | PASSED (26/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
6/6/2011 | 19 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | S Robertson (11/10/2011) | PASSED with amendment (14/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
17/2/2012 | 1 of 2012 | see Act for details | ||
Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011 | R G Nolan (7/9/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Strategic Cropping Land Bill 2011 | R G Nolan (25/10/2011) | PASSED with amendment (1/12/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act Exp Note - erratum |
6/12/2011 | 47 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Surat Basin Rail (Long-term Lease) Bill 2011 | A P Fraser (25/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Sustainable Planning (Housing Affordability and Infrastructure Charges Reform) Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (10/5/2011) | PASSED (25/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Exp Note - erratum Act |
6/6/2011 | 17 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Sustainable Planning and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | P T Lucas (11/10/2011) | PASSED with amendment (15/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
17/2/2012 | 3 of 2012 | see Act for details | ||
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | A Palaszczuk (23/3/2011) | PASSED with amendment (7/4/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/4/2011 | 12 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011 | S J Hinchliffe (11/10/2011) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech |
Waste Reduction and Recycling Bill 2011 | V Darling (3/8/2011) | PASSED with amendment (12/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note Explanatory Speech AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Act |
28/10/2011 | 31 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 | K J Jones (16/6/2011) | PASSED with amendment (17/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
24/11/2011 | 40 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Weapons Amendment Bill 2011 | N S Roberts (12/5/2011) | PASSED (15/11/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
24/11/2011 | 37 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 | C R Dick (10/5/2011) | PASSED (26/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
6/6/2011 | 18 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
2010 |
Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S Robertson (23/11/2010) | PASSED with amendment (23/8/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
29/8/2011 | 26 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Agents Financial Administration Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (24/11/2010) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Agricultural College and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | T S Mulherin (9/2/2010) | PASSED (11/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
17/3/2010 | 10 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (8/6/2010) | PASSED (5/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
18/8/2010 | 27 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Appropriation Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (8/6/2010) | PASSED (5/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
18/8/2010 | 28 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Architects Amendment Bill 2010 | R E Schwarten (9/2/2010) | PASSED (15/4/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
21/4/2010 | 18 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Body Corporate and Community Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (23/11/2010) | PASSED (6/4/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/4/2011 | 9 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 | S J Hinchliffe (18/8/2010) | PASSED with amendment (15/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
20/9/2010 | 35 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S J Hinchliffe (15/4/2010) | PASSED (20/5/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
23/5/2010 | 21 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Carers (Recognition) Amendment Bill 2010 | A Palaszczuk (8/6/2010) | PASSED (28/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
5/11/2010 | 47 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Child Care and Another Act Amendment Bill 2010 | G J Wilson (9/2/2010) | PASSED (24/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/3/2010 | 4 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Child Protection (More Stringent Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill 2010 * | V G Johnson (14/4/2010) | 2nd reading failed (6/4/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | N S Roberts (17/8/2010) | PASSED with amendment (6/4/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
14/4/2011 | 10 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Child Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2010 | P G Reeves (10/6/2010) | PASSED (2/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
8/9/2010 | 33 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
City of Brisbane Bill 2010 | D Boyle (15/4/2010) | PASSED with amendment (9/6/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
17/6/2010 | 23 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2010 | C R Dick (13/4/2010) | PASSED (3/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
13/8/2010 | 26 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Commercial Agents Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (24/11/2010) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Schoolchildren) Amendment Bill 2010 * | B Flegg (10/3/2010) | 2nd reading failed (15/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police and Particular Other Persons) Amendment Bill 2010 * | L J Springborg (24/2/2010) | 2nd reading failed (1/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | C R Dick (24/11/2010) | PASSED (24/3/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/4/2011 | 7 of 2011 | Date of Assent | ||
Criminal History Screening Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | K Struthers (9/2/2010) | PASSED with amendment (25/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/3/2010 | 5 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Criminal Proceeds Confiscation (Serious and Organised Crime Unexplained Wealth) Amendment Bill 2010 * | L J Springborg (24/11/2010) | 2nd reading failed (12/10/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 * | P W Wellington (14/4/2010) | 2nd reading failed (15/6/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Disaster Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | N S Roberts (8/6/2010) | PASSED with amendment (5/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/10/2010 | 40 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010 | G J Wilson (31/8/2010) | PASSED (5/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/10/2010 | 41 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | G J Wilson (18/5/2010) | PASSED (28/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
5/11/2010 | 50 or 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Electoral (Truth in Advertising) Amendment Bill 2010 * | J-P H Langbroek (19/5/2010) | 2nd reading failed (11/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Electoral Reform Bill 2010 * | A P McLindon (24/11/2010) | 2nd reading failed (11/5/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | K J Jones (24/11/2010) | PASSED (24/3/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/4/2011 | 6 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Fair Trading (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (31/8/2010) | PASSED with amendment (25/11/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/12/2010 | 54 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Geothermal Energy Bill 2010 | S Robertson (19/5/2010) | PASSED with amendment (19/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/9/2010 | 31 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Health Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law) Amendment Bill 2010 | P T Lucas (25/3/2010) | PASSED (13/4/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
21/4/2010 | 14 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Holidays Amendment Bill 2010 | C R Dick (14/9/2010) | PASSED (7/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/10/2010 | 43 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Integrity Reform (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2010 | A M Bligh (3/8/2010) | PASSED (16/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
20/9/2010 | 37 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | C R Dick (16/9/2010) | PASSED with amendment (6/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
14/10/2010 | 42 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Land Tax Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (23/3/2010) | PASSED (14/4/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
21/4/2010 | 15 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Land Valuation Bill 2010 | S Robertson (1/9/2010) | PASSED with amendment (16/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
20/9/2010 | 39 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Liquor and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (28/10/2010) | PASSED with amendment (23/11/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
1/12/2010 | 51 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Amendment Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (8/6/2010) | PASSED (26/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
5/11/2010 | 46 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 | S Robertson (25/11/2010) | PASSED with amendment (8/3/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
17/3/2011 | 2 of 2011 | see Act for details | ||
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S Robertson (9/2/2010) | PASSED (15/4/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
21/4/2010 | 17 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff Bill 2010 | A M Bligh (3/8/2010) | PASSED (16/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
20/9/2010 | 36 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Motor Accident Insurance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (5/8/2010) | PASSED (31/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
8/9/2010 | 32 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (24/11/2010) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 | S Robertson (5/10/2010) | PASSED with amendment (23/11/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/12/2010 | 52 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S Robertson (9/3/2010) | PASSED with amendment (24/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/3/2010 | 12 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Bill 2010 | C R Dick (25/11/2010) | PASSED with amendment (2/8/2011) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
9/8/2011 | 25 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Occupational Licensing National Law (Queensland) Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (6/10/2010) | PASSED (28/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
5/11/2010 | 49 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Penalties and Sentences (Sentencing Advisory Council) Amendment Bill 2010 | C R Dick (3/8/2010) | PASSED (28/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
5/11/2010 | 48 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Personal Property Securities (Ancillary Provisions) Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (5/8/2010) | PASSED (7/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
14/10/2010 | 44 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Police Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | N S Roberts (5/10/2010) | PASSED (26/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
5/11/2010 | 45 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Property Agents and Motor Dealers and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (24/3/2010) | PASSED with amendment (17/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/9/2010 | 30 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Property Agents Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (24/11/2010) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2010 | A M Bligh (3/8/2010) | PASSED (16/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
20/9/2010 | 38 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Queensland Industry Participation Policy Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (27/10/2010) | PASSED (23/3/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/4/2011 | 5 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Racing and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | P J Lawlor (13/4/2010) | PASSED (20/5/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
7/6/2010 | 22 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (9/3/2010) | PASSED (23/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/3/2010 | 11 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | A P Fraser (8/6/2010) | PASSED (11/6/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
17/6/2010 | 25 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Seniors Recognition (Grandparents Providing Care) Bill 2010 * | R N Menkens (10/3/2010) | Discharged (27/10/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S Robertson (13/4/2010) | PASSED with amendment (19/5/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
23/5/2010 | 20 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Transport (Rail Safety) Bill 2010 | R G Nolan (9/2/2010) | PASSED with amendment (25/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/3/2010 | 6 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 | R G Nolan (15/4/2010) | PASSED (19/5/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
23/5/2010 | 19 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | R G Nolan (10/3/2010) | PASSED with amendment (25/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/4/2010 | 13 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Valuation of Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S Robertson (11/2/2010) | PASSED with amendment (9/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
12/3/2010 | 7 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | S Robertson (26/10/2010) | PASSED with amendment (25/11/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/12/2010 | 53 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 | C R Dick (18/5/2010) | PASSED with amendment (9/6/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum Exp Note - erratum |
17/6/2010 | 24 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
2009 |
Adoption Bill 2009 | P G Reeves (22/4/2009) | PASSED with amendment (18/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/8/2009 | 29 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (16/6/2009) | PASSED (6/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
11/8/2009 | 27 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Appropriation Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (16/6/2009) | PASSED (6/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
11/8/2009 | 28 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Auditor-General Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (22/4/2009) | PASSED (19/5/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/5/2009 | 8 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill 2009 | P J Lawlor (18/6/2009) | PASSED (19/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/6/2009 | 20 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | S J Hinchliffe (29/10/2009) | PASSED with amendment (12/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note Exp Note - erratum 2nd reading speech Act |
19/11/2009 | 51 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Charter of Budget Honesty Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (22/4/2009) | Lapsed (19/2/2012) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Civil Liability and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (7/10/2009) | PASSED with amendment (11/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
17/3/2010 | 9 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Commissions of Inquiry (Corruption, Cronyism and Unethical Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2009 * | J-P H Langbroek (28/10/2009) | 2nd reading failed (25/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note Exp Note - erratum 2nd reading speech |
Constitution (Fixed-term Parliament) Amendment Bill 2009 * | P W Wellington (17/6/2009) | 2nd reading failed (16/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Constitution (Preamble) Amendment Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (24/11/2009) | PASSED with amendment (23/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act AinC non-govt agreed |
25/2/2010 | 3 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Coroners and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (23/4/2009) | PASSED with amendment (20/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/8/2009 | 32 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Corrective Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | N S Roberts (22/4/2009) | PASSED with amendment (19/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/8/2009 | 30 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009 | P J Lawlor (10/11/2009) | PASSED with amendment (14/4/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
21/4/2010 | 16 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Crime and Misconduct and Summary Offences Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (23/4/2009) | PASSED (21/5/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/5/2009 | 12 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Criminal Code (Abusive Domestic Relationship Defence and Another Matter) Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (26/11/2009) | PASSED (9/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
16/2/2010 | 1 of 2010 | Date of Assent | ||
Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Children) Amendment Bill 2009 * | B Flegg (28/10/2009) | Withdrawn (10/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Criminal Code (Honesty and Integrity in Parliament) Amendment Bill 2009 * | J-P H Langbroek (19/8/2009) | 2nd reading failed (28/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Criminal Code (Medical Treatment) Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (1/9/2009) | PASSED (3/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
5/9/2009 | 33 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Criminal Code and Other Legislation (Misconduct, Breaches of Discipline and Public Sector Ethics) Amendment Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (2/6/2009) | PASSED with amendment (4/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
11/8/2009 | 25 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Criminal Organisation Bill 2009 | C R Dick (29/10/2009) | PASSED (26/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
3/12/2009 | 53 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (1/9/2009) | PASSED with amendment (2/9/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
8/9/2010 | 34 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Disability Services (Criminal History) Amendment Bill 2009 * | A P Cripps (7/10/2009) | 2nd reading failed (25/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | G J Wilson (4/8/2009) | PASSED (7/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
15/10/2009 | 40 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | G J Wilson (16/9/2009) | PASSED (7/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
15/10/2009 | 39 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (4/8/2009) | PASSED (17/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/9/2009 | 38 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Environmental Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009 | K J Jones (12/11/2009) | PASSED (22/3/2011) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
4/4/2011 | 3 of 2011 | by Proclamation | ||
Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Provisions Bill 2009 | C R Dick (27/10/2009) | PASSED (11/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
19/11/2009 | 49 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Family (Surrogacy) Bill 2009 * | L J Springborg (11/11/2009) | Discharged (11/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Financial Accountability Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (22/4/2009) | PASSED (19/5/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/5/2009 | 9 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Fuel Subsidy Repeal and Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (16/6/2009) | PASSED (19/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/6/2009 | 22 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Gambling and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | P J Lawlor (3/9/2009) | PASSED with amendment (8/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
15/10/2009 | 41 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Great Barrier Reef Protection Amendment Bill 2009 | K J Jones (4/6/2009) | PASSED with amendment (8/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
15/10/2009 | 42 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | P T Lucas (23/4/2009) | PASSED with amendment (29/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
3/11/2009 | 44 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Bill 2009 | P T Lucas (6/10/2009) | PASSED (29/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
3/11/2009 | 45 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Industrial Relations Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (23/4/2009) | PASSED (2/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
12/6/2009 | 15 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Information Privacy Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (19/5/2009) | PASSED with amendment (2/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
12/6/2009 | 14 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Infrastructure Investment (Asset Restructuring and Disposal) Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (16/6/2009) | PASSED (19/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/6/2009 | 21 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Integrated Planning Amendment Bill 2009 * | P W Wellington (28/10/2009) | Withdrawn (24/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Integrity Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (10/11/2009) | PASSED with amendment (25/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
3/12/2009 | 52 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Juvenile Justice (Sentencing Principles) Amendment Bill 2009 * | L J Springborg (3/6/2009) | 2nd reading failed (2/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Juvenile Justice and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009 | K L Struthers (19/5/2009) | PASSED (2/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
17/9/2009 | 34 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Local Government Bill 2009 | D Boyle (22/4/2009) | PASSED with amendment (4/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
12/6/2009 | 17 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | G J Wilson (19/5/2009) | PASSED (3/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
12/6/2009 | 16 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Parliament of Queensland Amendment Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (23/4/2009) | PASSED (19/5/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/5/2009 | 7 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009 | P J Lawlor (1/9/2009) | PASSED (17/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/9/2009 | 37 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Property Law and Another Act Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (23/4/2009) | PASSED (20/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/8/2009 | 31 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Prostitution and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009 | N S Roberts (18/8/2009) | PASSED with amendment (17/8/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
1/9/2010 | 29 of 2010 | see Act for details | ||
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Jurisdiction Provisions) Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (19/5/2009) | PASSED (17/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/6/2009 | 24 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Bill 2009 | C R Dick (19/5/2009) | PASSED (17/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
26/6/2009 | 23 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Radiation Safety Amendment Bill 2009 | P T Lucas (25/11/2009) | PASSED with amendment (10/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
17/3/2010 | 8 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Resorts and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009 | S J Hinchliffe (19/5/2009) | PASSED with amendment (4/8/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
11/8/2009 | 26 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (3/6/2009) | PASSED (17/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/6/2009 | 19 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Right to Information Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (19/5/2009) | PASSED with amendment (2/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
12/6/2009 | 13 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
South-East Queensland (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Natural Resources Provisions Bill 2009 | S Robertson (6/10/2009) | PASSED with amendment (29/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
3/11/2009 | 46 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
State Penalties Enforcement and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | C R Dick (16/9/2009) | PASSED with amendment (11/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
19/11/2009 | 48 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Superannuation (State Public Sector) Amendment Bill 2009 | A P Fraser (23/4/2009) | PASSED (21/5/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/5/2009 | 11 of 2009 | Date of Assent | ||
Surrogacy Bill 2009 | C R Dick (26/11/2009) | PASSED (11/2/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
16/2/2010 | 2 of 2010 | by Proclamation | ||
Sustainable Planning Bill 2009 | S J Hinchliffe (19/6/2009) | PASSED with amendment (16/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
22/9/2009 | 36 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Telecommunications Interception Bill 2009 | A M Bligh (22/4/2009) | PASSED (21/5/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
28/5/2009 | 10 of 2009 | by Proclamation | ||
Trade Measurement Legislation Repeal Bill 2009 | P J Lawlor (15/9/2009) | PASSED (11/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
19/11/2009 | 50 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | R G Nolan (8/10/2009) | PASSED with amendment (10/11/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC exp note 2nd reading speech AinC non-govt agreed Act |
19/11/2009 | 47 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Interlocks) Amendment Bill 2009 * | F S Simpson (11/11/2009) | Discharged (25/3/2010) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech |
Vegetation Management (Regrowth Clearing Moratorium) Bill 2009 | S Robertson (22/4/2009) | PASSED (23/4/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act |
30/4/2009 | 6 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Vegetation Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 | S Robertson (6/10/2009) | PASSED with amendment (27/10/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
3/11/2009 | 43 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Victims of Crime Assistance Bill 2009 | C R Dick (18/8/2009) | PASSED (3/9/2009) |
Bill Exp Note 2nd reading speech Act Exp Note - erratum |
17/9/2009 | 35 of 2009 | see Act for details | ||
Water and Another Act Amendment Bill 2009 | G J Wilson (20/5/2009) | PASSED with amendment (4/6/2009) |
Bill Exp Note AinC govt agreed AinC exp note 2nd reading speech Act |
12/6/2009 | 18 of 2009 | see Act for details |