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Following the 2016 referendum, Queensland has four year fixed-terms for State government.
The State election date is fixed at the final Saturday in October in each election year.
The Electoral Act 1992 sets broad time frames for the electoral cycle, including the issue and return of writs, closing of electoral rolls and nomination of candidates.
The Electoral Act 1992 also established the Electoral Commission of Queensland as the independent statutory authority responsible for conducting state and local government elections in Queensland.
On 1 October 2024, the Governor dissolved the Legislative Assembly by proclamation and issued a writ for the general election to be held on 26 October 2024.
Dissolution has the following effects on the Legislative Assembly:
- all business before the House on the Notice Paper lapses, with the exception of notices of motion for the disallowance of statutory instruments,
- Members of the Legislative Assembly cease to be Members. However, they continue to receive their salaries and allowances until midnight of the day prior to the election,
- any Sessional or other orders cease to have effect, and
- all committees, except for the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee, cease to exist.