Showing 1 to 100 of 1957 entries
Number of Signatures Tabled
Referred to Minister(s)
Date Referred
Response Due
Response Tabled
1211-09 Government changes to registration renewal 3/8/2009 109,935 4/8/2009 Referred Minister 5/8/2009 4/9/2009 8/10/2009
1261-09 Vehicle registration 20% increase 25/11/2009 100,010 26/11/2009 Hon Rachel Nolan MP 27/11/2009 4/1/2010 11/12/2009
3647-21 Stop Queensland's proposed COVID-19 vaccination segregation policy 28/11/2021 85,222 2/12/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 2/12/2021 4/1/2022 4/1/2022
931-07 Trial of Daylight Savings 10/11/2007 77,074 13/11/2007 Referred Minister 14/11/2007 14/12/2007 24/12/2007
1428-10 Cost of Queensland drivers licences 29/7/2010 75,296 3/8/2010 Hon Rachel Nolan MP 4/8/2010 2/9/2010
553-05 Daylight savings in Queensland 12/4/2006 62,232 19/4/2006 Referred Minister 20/4/2006 20/5/2006 29/5/2006
3678-21 Immediately stop injecting children with COVID-19 vaccinations 23/2/2022 55,865 15/3/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 18/3/2022 14/4/2022 14/4/2022
3756-22 Appeal Against Manifestly Inadequate Sentence 5/7/2022 53,540 16/8/2022 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 17/8/2022 15/9/2022
3634-21 That no Queenslander be coerced into COVID vaccination 14/11/2021 43,232 16/11/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 18/11/2021 16/12/2021 16/12/2021
2633-16 Say no to Queensland abortion law reforms that do not protect women, allow abortion to full term and limit free speech 13/2/2017 31,735 14/2/2017 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 17/2/2017 16/3/2017 16/3/2017
2972-18 We oppose the proposed Queensland abortion law reform that allows abortion to full term and contains no safeguards for women considering abortion 16/9/2018 23,879 20/9/2018 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 21/9/2018 22/10/2018 22/10/2018
2586-16 Say no to the most dangerous abortion laws in the world 23/5/2016 23,869 24/5/2016 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 25/5/2016 23/6/2016 23/6/2016
3749-22 Pandemic Treaty and Amendments to the International Health Regulations 28/8/2022 23,420 31/8/2022 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 2/9/2022 30/9/2022 30/9/2022
2686-17 Daylight Saving for Queensland 20/2/2017 23,041 28/2/2017 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 2/3/2017 30/3/2017 30/3/2017
2493-15 Daylight saving in Queensland 24/2/2016 21,468 25/2/2016 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 1/3/2016 29/3/2016 31/3/2016
2182-13 Daylight saving in South East Queensland 15/3/2014 20,167 18/3/2014 Hon Campbell Newman MP 19/3/2014 17/4/2014 27/3/2014
1141-08 Prohibit the use of recycled sewerage effluent for drinking purposes 22/4/2009 18,932 23/4/2009
3613-21 Daylight saving in Queensland 28/11/2021 18,507 30/11/2021 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 2/12/2021 4/1/2022 17/12/2021
3576-21 Restore democracy in Queensland 30/8/2021 17,872 1/9/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 7/9/2021 1/10/2021
3821-22 Protect the rights of Christian schools 4/2/2023 17,039 21/2/2023 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 23/2/2023 23/3/2023 23/3/2023
3642-21 No mandatory vaccinations and passports 15/4/2022 16,745 10/5/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 12/5/2022 9/6/2022 9/6/2022
1484-10 Close puppy factories (RSPCA) - regulate breeding, supply and sale of companion animals 7/1/2011 15,985 16/2/2011 Hon Desley Boyle MP 17/2/2011 18/3/2011 18/3/2011
3465-21 Fix youth crime 19/4/2021 15,907 20/4/2021 Hon Leanne Linard MP 23/4/2021 20/5/2021 20/5/2021
3003-18 Proposed 3-year trial of conservation hunting in Queensland State Forests 24/2/2019 13,576 26/2/2019 Hon Leeanne Enoch MP 7/3/2019 28/3/2019 28/3/2019
3217-19 Legalising cannabis 14/4/2020 13,253 22/4/2020 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 23/4/2020 22/5/2020 22/5/2020
3668-21 Remove COVID mandates 14/1/2022 13,168 22/2/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 24/2/2022 24/3/2022 24/3/2022
2854-18 Opposition to proposed vegetation management laws 29/4/2018 13,062 1/5/2018 Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP 2/5/2018 31/5/2018 30/5/2018
3664-21 Stop coercion and segregation 29/5/2022 13,028 21/6/2022 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 27/6/2022 21/7/2022 21/7/2022
3268-20 Maleny Dairies 3/2/2020 12,921 4/2/2020 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 5/2/2020 5/3/2020 5/3/2020
3915-23 Amend random roadside presumptive testing laws to exempt holders of medicinal cannabis prescriptions 26/12/2023 12,183
2856-18 Reject the campaign to remove all restraint on abortion in Queensland 30/4/2018 11,835 1/5/2018 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 10/5/2018 31/5/2018 31/5/2018
3887-23 Right to use cash to be protected by law 9/6/2023 11,811 13/6/2023 Hon Cameron Dick MP 16/6/2023 13/7/2023 12/7/2023
1905-12 Defending marriage in Queensland 27/11/2012 11,637 28/11/2012 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 29/11/2012 7/1/2013 18/12/2012
3411-20 Cannabis law reform 4/3/2021 11,460 9/3/2021 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 10/3/2021 8/4/2021 8/4/2021
2552-16 Safe Schools Coalition resources are dangerous for our children 18/4/2016 11,416 19/4/2016 Hon Kate Jones MP 20/4/2016 19/5/2016 19/5/2016
2766-17 The naming of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing 31/7/2017 11,345 8/8/2017 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 10/8/2017 7/9/2017 8/9/2017
3589-21 Evidence required by the people of Queensland from the Queensland Government about the efficacy of PCR tests 12/9/2021 11,133 14/9/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 15/9/2021 14/10/2021
3293-20 Stop the regulation of Gel Blaster Toys 16/3/2020 11,049 17/3/2020 Hon Mark Ryan MP 18/3/2020 16/4/2020 16/4/2020
2261-14 Save Queensland's motor sporting venues from severe restrictions or forced closure 25/8/2014 11,021 26/8/2014 Hon Jeff Seeney MP 29/8/2014 25/9/2014 1/10/2014
2429-15 Cease Safe Schools roll out in Queensland schools 12/10/2015 10,891 13/10/2015 Hon Kate Jones MP 19/10/2015 12/11/2015 10/11/2015
3472-21 Recognise LGBT+ people within the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 23/3/2021 10,838 24/3/2021 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 24/3/2021 23/4/2021 27/4/2021
2498-15 Medicinal cannabis amnesty 30/11/2015 10,802 1/12/2015 Hon Cameron Dick MP 2/12/2015 4/1/2016 4/1/2016
1181-08 Save the Royal Children's Hospital 6/3/2009 10,759 22/4/2009
2290-14 Gold Coast light rail future stages 24/11/2014 10,379 25/11/2014 Hon Scott Emerson MP 26/11/2014 5/1/2015 5/1/2015
814-07 Forced Council Amalgamations 4/11/2007 10,311 14/11/2007 Referred Minister 19/11/2007 19/12/2007 12/12/2007
3701-22 Queensland government integrity crisis 4/3/2022 10,120 15/3/2022 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 23/3/2022 14/4/2022 14/4/2022
2554-16 Safe Schools Program is a vital resource for Queensland schools 18/4/2016 10,111 19/4/2016 Hon Kate Jones MP 20/4/2016 19/5/2016 19/5/2016
1922-12 The best interests of the child in altruistic surrogacy 29/10/2012 10,003 30/10/2012 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 1/11/2012 29/11/2012 21/11/2012
3924-23 Stop Proposed Toowoomba North South Transport Corridor 18/8/2023 9,865 22/8/2023 Hon Mark Bailey MP 25/8/2023 21/9/2023 21/9/2023
3850-23 Youth Crime – Juvenile Crime 12/3/2023 9,451 14/3/2023 Hon Leanne Linard MP 15/3/2023 13/4/2023
3655-21 Restrictions for unvaccinated people of Queensland 26/11/2021 9,154 30/11/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 2/12/2021 4/1/2022 4/1/2022
2366-15 Sharia Law 2/10/2015 8,983 13/10/2015 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 15/10/2015 12/11/2015 12/11/2015
1564-10 Wage Offer For Police 11/5/2011 8,204 12/5/2011 Hon Neil Roberts MP 13/5/2011 14/6/2011 9/6/2011
2204-13 Announcement of Solaria Ban 20/10/13 10/2/2014 8,007 11/2/2014 Hon Lawrence Springborg MP 13/2/2014 13/3/2014 7/3/2014
3449-20 Need for urgent increase to palliative care funding and for full and proper scrutiny of the "voluntary assisted dying" bill by a parliamentary committee 9/5/2021 7,866 11/5/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 12/5/2021 10/6/2021 10/6/2021
3617-21 Say no to daylight savings time in Queensland 30/11/2021 7,750 1/12/2021 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 2/12/2021 4/1/2022 17/12/2021
3261-19 Tougher penalties for criminals 27/4/2020 7,732 19/5/2020 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 21/5/2020 18/6/2020 18/6/2020
1900-12 Defending civil unions in Queensland 26/11/2012 7,601 27/11/2012 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 28/11/2012 7/1/2013 18/12/2012
3053-18 The community's opposition to the granting of a second casino licence on the Gold Coast 11/2/2019 7,600 12/2/2019 Hon Kate Jones MP 15/2/2019 14/3/2019 14/3/2019
571-05 No daylight saving 12/4/2006 7,516 19/4/2006 Referred Minister 20/4/2006 20/5/2006 29/5/2006
3176-19 Euthanasia - we can live without it 14/10/2019 7,473 17/10/2019 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 18/10/2019 18/11/2019 18/11/2019
1983-12 Protect and preserve Queensland workers' compensation rights 26/11/2012 7,409 27/11/2012 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 28/11/2012 7/1/2013 20/12/2012
2581-16 Age-appropriate education for happy, healthy children and teachers 5/8/2016 7,090 17/8/2016 Hon Kate Jones MP 18/8/2016 16/9/2016 16/9/2016
3093-19 Commission of Inquiry into Deebing Creek Mission sale to developers 28/4/2019 7,068 30/4/2019 Hon Cameron Dick MP 1/5/2019 30/5/2019 30/5/2019
3832-22 Youth Justice Act Amendments (Angus’s Legislation) 25/4/2023 7,066 23/5/2023 Hon Di Farmer MP 25/5/2023 22/6/2023 26/6/2023
1931-12 Save "Fanfare" and "MOST" Queensland school music programs 7/9/2012 6,917 12/9/2012 Hon John-Paul Langbroek MP 13/9/2012 12/10/2012 12/10/2012
3698-22 Full inquiry into the perceived corruption in the Queensland Government 10/4/2022 6,780 10/5/2022 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 17/5/2022 9/6/2022 9/6/2022
3316-20 Expand ammunition sales 6/5/2020 6,719 19/5/2020 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 21/5/2020 18/6/2020 18/6/2020
3170-19 Voluntary Assisted Dying 13/10/2019 6,665 15/10/2019 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 16/10/2019 14/11/2019 14/11/2019
1543-10 Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 22/4/2011 6,626 10/5/2011 Hon Anna Bligh MP 13/5/2011 9/6/2011 9/6/2011
1467-10 Regent Theatre, Brisbane 2/8/2010 6,445 3/8/2010 Hon Kate Jones MP 4/8/2010 2/9/2010 30/8/2010
3764-22 Request for the dismissal of Redland City Mayor Karen Williams 31/7/2022 6,419 16/8/2022 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 18/8/2022 15/9/2022 2/9/2022
2473-15 No body no parole rule 7/1/2016 6,259 16/2/2016 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 17/2/2016 17/3/2016 17/3/2016
2109-13 Minimum safe passing distance 28/10/2013 6,198 29/10/2013 Hon Scott Emerson MP 30/10/2013 28/11/2013 28/11/2013
1317-09 Protection of unborn children by upholding current abortion laws 23/11/2009 6,181 24/11/2009 Hon Cameron Dick MP 25/11/2009 24/12/2009 24/12/2009
3446-20 Recognition of our Christian heritage in parliament 31/1/2021 6,164 23/2/2021 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 25/2/2021 25/3/2021 25/3/2021
3721-22 Mandates discriminate against Agricultural Shows 30/3/2022 6,134 31/3/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 31/3/2022 3/5/2022 29/4/2022
3315-20 Immediate quarantine of Queensland 25/4/2020 6,108 19/5/2020 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 21/5/2020 18/6/2020 18/6/2020
3235-19 Stop turning our State Forests into National Parks 15/5/2020 6,080 19/5/2020 Hon Leeanne Enoch MP 21/5/2020 18/6/2020 18/6/2020
3271-20 Toondah Harbour Priority Development Area: Commission of Inquiry 30/7/2020 6,063 11/8/2020 Hon Kate Jones MP 13/8/2020 10/9/2020 10/9/2020
2654-16 Street curfew in Townsville 30/11/2016 5,994 1/12/2016 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 2/12/2016 3/1/2017 3/1/2017
3974-23 Repeal of Path to Treaty Act 2023 28/1/2024 5,982
3754-22 Systemic reduction of services at the Gympie Hospital 28/8/2022 5,914 30/8/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 31/8/2022 29/9/2022 29/9/2022
3473-21 Toowoomba quarantine facility 22/3/2021 5,902 24/3/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 24/3/2021 23/4/2021
1346-09 Classification of computer games in Queensland 8/2/2010 5,891 9/2/2010 Hon Cameron Dick MP 10/2/2010 11/3/2010 11/3/2010
3264-20 Nature Refuge Bimblebox, one of the last few remaining forests in western Queensland is under threat of destruction 7/7/2020 5,825 14/7/2020 Hon Leeanne Enoch MP 16/7/2020 13/8/2020 13/8/2020
3581-21 Greyhound whole of life tracking 19/11/2021 5,709 30/11/2021 Hon Grace Grace MP 2/12/2021 4/1/2022 4/1/2022
3784-22 Public confidence in health services 26/8/2022 5,677 30/8/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 31/8/2022 29/9/2022 29/9/2022
3917-23 The name of the city remains as ‘Brisbane’ 31/7/2023 5,665 22/8/2023 Hon Scott Stewart MP 25/8/2023 21/9/2023 15/9/2023
3703-22 Major reforms to address escalating crime in the Far North Queensland community 14/5/2022 5,661 26/5/2022 Hon Leanne Linard MP 26/5/2022 27/6/2022
3515-21 Continue the use of all methods, including dogs, to control feral pigs 24/5/2021 5,650 25/5/2021 Hon Mark Furner MP 26/5/2021 24/6/2021 3/6/2021
3108-19 Extension of Taxi Subsidy Scheme for Queensland NDIS participants 28/4/2019 5,649 30/4/2019 Hon Mark Bailey MP 1/5/2019 30/5/2019 30/5/2019
1074-08 Stop mining on the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve 4/12/2008 5,553 11/2/2009 Referred Minister 12/2/2009 14/3/2009 16/4/2009
1348-09 Removal of the mandatory sustainability declaration 5/2/2010 5,532 9/2/2010 Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP 10/2/2010 11/3/2010 10/3/2010
3533-21 Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 - Evaluate all alternative routes and modes 12/7/2021 5,479 1/9/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 7/9/2021 1/10/2021 1/10/2021
3561-21 Keep Prayers in the House 15/6/2021 5,405 16/6/2021 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 17/6/2021 16/7/2021 19/7/2021
1919-12 Amendments to Surrogacy Act 2010 16/9/2012 5,377 30/10/2012 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 1/11/2012 29/11/2012 21/11/2012
3919-23 Provide long-term security for Queensland residents who choose to live permanently in tiny homes on wheels, buses and caravans 30/9/2023 5,373 10/10/2023 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 13/10/2023 9/11/2023 9/11/2023
3676-21 Evidence required from the Queensland Government as to why Queensland MPs are exempted from COVID-19 vaccinations 23/2/2022 5,358 24/2/2022 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 2/3/2022 28/3/2022 28/3/2022
3658-21 Open up more options against COVID-19 20/2/2022 5,344 22/2/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 24/2/2022 24/3/2022 24/3/2022
Showing 1 to 100 of 1957 entries