Showing 1 to 100 of 1957 entries
Subject Closed
Number of Signatures
Referred to Minister(s)
Date Referred
Response Due
Response Tabled
3933-23 29/11/2022 564
3681-22 COVID treatment protocols 28/2/2022 1,872 15/3/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 18/3/2022 14/4/2022 14/4/2022
3958-23 M1 Sound Barriers, Coomera Springs 22/10/2023 686 24/10/2023 Hon Mark Bailey MP 24/10/2023 23/11/2023 23/11/2023
2852-17 $5.4 billion funding to be reallocated to benefit all of Queensland 21/11/2017 696 15/2/2018 Hon Jackie Trad MP 21/2/2018 19/3/2018 16/3/2018
2231-14 100% FIFO and forced camp accommodation 7/5/2014 1,317 8/5/2014 Hon Jeff Seeney MP 12/5/2014 10/6/2014 30/5/2014
3329-20 4306 Postcode Classification 20/5/2020 728 21/5/2020 Hon Cameron Dick MP 21/5/2020 22/6/2020 15/6/2020
3937-23 500 more car parks and connectivity at Hope Island Train Station 31/10/2023 777 14/11/2023 Hon Mark Bailey MP 16/11/2023 14/12/2023 14/12/2023
3930-23 A High School for Western Brisbane 26/10/2023 1,422 14/11/2023 Hon Grace Grace MP 16/11/2023 14/12/2023 14/12/2023
1129-08 A Juror is also 'a worker' under the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 Schedule 2 Part 1 10/11/2008 14 11/11/2008 Referred Minister 12/11/2008 12/12/2008 12/1/2009
3073-19 A Royal Commission to be setup by the Queensland Government into the Land Valuations by the Valuer-General the Department of Natural Resources Mines and Energy 29/7/2019 130 20/8/2019 Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP 22/8/2019 19/9/2019
2724-17 A better bus service for Everton Hills 12/6/2017 88 13/6/2017 Hon Jackie Trad MP 15/6/2017 13/7/2017 13/7/2017
3466-21 A better location for the Proposed Primary School in Brisbane's Inner West 7/3/2021 1,561 9/3/2021 Hon Grace Grace MP 10/3/2021 8/4/2021 8/4/2021
3640-21 A fair go for residents impacted by concealed water leaks 31/1/2022 466 22/2/2022 Hon Glenn Butcher MP 24/2/2022 24/3/2022 24/3/2022
4000-23 A mid-sized rectangular stadium for Brisbane at Perry Park 31/5/2024 859
2056-13 A moratorium on job shedding and a moratorium on the transfer of government services to non-government providers 15/3/2013 295 20/3/2013 Hon Tim Nicholls MP 21/3/2013 19/4/2013 15/4/2013
3908-23 A new hospital for Charters Towers 20/8/2023 960 23/8/2023 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 25/8/2023 22/9/2023 25/9/2023
3474-21 A safe road between Cairns and the Tablelands 31/3/2021 938 20/4/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 21/4/2021 20/5/2021 21/5/2021
3491-21 A safer, four-lane Tiaro bypass 16/6/2021 2,755 17/6/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 17/6/2021 19/7/2021 19/7/2021
4042-24 AI SAMPLE TEXT IS A REAL TEST 12/7/2024 1
851-07 AMWU and QPSU petition for the future of Goprint 26/9/2007 103 9/10/2007 Referred Minister 11/10/2007 10/11/2007 23/11/2007
2568-16 Abandon plans for state-owned electrical services business 16/6/2016 321 17/6/2016 Hon Mark Bailey MP 20/6/2016 19/7/2016
1888-12 Abolish stamp duty on all insurances 14/11/2012 438 15/11/2012 Hon Tim Nicholls MP 16/11/2012 17/12/2012 17/12/2012
3684-22 Abolish the check-in app 23/2/2022 2,922 24/2/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 25/2/2022 25/3/2022 28/3/2022
1281-09 Abortion decriminalisation in Queensland 11/9/2009 1,975 15/9/2009 Referred Minister 16/9/2009 16/10/2009 24/12/2009
1302-09 Abortion decriminalisation in Queensland 23/10/2009 1,853 27/10/2009 Referred Minister 27/10/2009 26/11/2009 24/12/2009
3089-19 Abortion legislation 21/5/2019 708 11/6/2019 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 17/6/2019 11/7/2019 11/7/2019
1847-12 Access to Sippy Downs 10/2/2012 779 14/2/2012 Hon Scott Emerson MP 23/5/2012 18/6/2012 5/6/2012
3111-19 Access to food allergy treatment 15/9/2019 474 17/9/2019 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 19/9/2019 17/10/2019 17/10/2019
3717-22 Access to termination of pregnancy services in regional Queensland 14/4/2022 634 10/5/2022 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 12/5/2022 9/6/2022 9/6/2022
456-05 Acquisition of 113-131 Daisy Hill Road, Daisy Hill and the removal of Chatswood Road Reserve from the road gazette 4/10/2005 623 5/10/2005 Referred Minister 6/10/2005 5/11/2005 15/11/2005
2592-16 Action on Caloundra Road traffic congestion 31/10/2016 493 1/11/2016 Hon Mark Bailey MP 3/11/2016 1/12/2016 1/12/2016
2679-16 Adani Mining Pty Ltd Carmichael Coal Mine - Galilee Basin 17/3/2017 3,230 21/3/2017 Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP 24/3/2017 20/4/2017
3029-18 Addition to Clean Air Act 1963 25/4/2019 123 30/4/2019 Hon Leeanne Enoch MP 1/5/2019 30/5/2019 30/5/2019
3728-22 Additional bus services between Beenleigh Railway Station and Ormeau Railway Station 10/5/2022 91 11/5/2022 Hon Mark Bailey MP 12/5/2022 10/6/2022 10/6/2022
3873-23 Additional bus services between Beenleigh Railway Station and Ormeau Railway Station 7/5/2023 362 9/5/2023 Hon Mark Bailey MP 11/5/2023 8/6/2023 8/6/2023
3541-21 Additional bus services between Beenleigh Railway Station and Ormeau Railway Station 13/6/2021 169 15/6/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 17/6/2021 15/7/2021 15/7/2021
3726-22 Additional bus services between Ormeau Railway Station and Coomera Railway Station 10/5/2022 382 11/5/2022 Hon Mark Bailey MP 12/5/2022 10/6/2022 10/6/2022
3542-21 Additional bus services between Ormeau Railway Station and Coomera Railway Station 13/6/2021 254 15/6/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 17/6/2021 15/7/2021 15/7/2021
3789-22 Additional bus stop at the Kingsthorpe Skate Park for Oakey State High School students who live in Kingsthorpe 12/9/2022 169 12/10/2022 Hon Mark Bailey MP 13/10/2022 11/11/2022 11/11/2022
2529-15 Additional police and police station - Coomera region 6/5/2016 836 10/5/2016 Hon Bill Byrne MP 11/5/2016 9/6/2016 10/6/2016
3522-21 Additional police resources on the Gold Coast 13/6/2021 1,594 15/6/2021 Hon Mark Ryan MP 17/6/2021 15/7/2021
3696-22 Additional resourcing for petition handling 31/3/2022 342 10/5/2022 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 17/5/2022 9/6/2022 9/6/2022
3487-21 Additional wildlife signage for Mt Crosby Road 21/5/2021 521 25/5/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 26/5/2021 24/6/2021 24/6/2021
3437-20 Address and investigate Indigenous Deaths in Custody 18/4/2021 591 20/4/2021 Hon Mark Ryan MP 21/4/2021 20/5/2021
3694-22 Address dangerous driving issues on Queensland roads; maintenance and contingency legislative reform 20/7/2022 300 16/8/2022 Hon Mark Bailey MP 17/8/2022 15/9/2022 14/9/2022
607-06 Adequate staffing by medical practitioners at the Caboolture Hospital 13/2/2006 37 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006 20/3/2006
3573-21 Adjust state and council housing guidelines regarding wood fires and solar panels 29/8/2021 229 31/8/2021 Hon Mick de Brenni MP 9/9/2021 30/9/2021 28/9/2021
3539-21 Administrative culture of the Office of the Health Ombudsman 5/11/2021 321 16/11/2021 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 18/11/2021 16/12/2021 16/12/2021
2134-13 Administrative location of Community Visitors Program 18/11/2013 12 19/11/2013 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 21/11/2013 19/12/2013 18/12/2013
1059-08 Adoption Law Changes 12/11/2008 212 25/11/2008 Referred Minister 26/11/2008 26/12/2008 1/4/2009
604-05 Adoption of Children Act 1964 10/2/2006 333 14/2/2006 Referred Minister 15/2/2006 17/3/2006 26/4/2006
725-06 Adoption of the Oil Depletion Protocol 30/3/2007 235 17/4/2007 Referred Minister 19/4/2007 19/5/2007 10/8/2007
2249-14 Adult entertainment permits 14/10/2014 727 15/10/2014 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 17/10/2014 17/11/2014 3/11/2014
2415-15 Adult neighbourhood bullying 30/11/2015 131 1/12/2015 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 3/12/2015 4/1/2016 4/1/2016
2600-16 Advancing Eastern Standard Time by 30 minutes 29/11/2016 289 21/3/2017 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 23/3/2017 20/4/2017 20/4/2017
2670-16 Advancing Eastern Standard Time by 30 minutes 15/3/2017 226 21/3/2017 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 23/3/2017 20/4/2017 20/4/2017
2533-16 Advancing Eastern Standard Time by 30 minutes 15/6/2016 284 21/3/2017 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 23/3/2017 20/4/2017 20/4/2017
3155-19 Advancing Queensland by exporting our own opportunities 26/11/2019 365 27/11/2019 Hon Kate Jones MP 29/11/2019 6/1/2020 6/1/2020
3667-21 Age Discrimination in Queensland relating to stressful, costly, and unwarranted annual medicals for residents 75 and over to retain a driver's licence 13/3/2022 1,762 15/3/2022 Hon Mark Bailey MP 18/3/2022 14/4/2022 14/4/2022
2581-16 Age-appropriate education for happy, healthy children and teachers 5/8/2016 7,090 17/8/2016 Hon Kate Jones MP 18/8/2016 16/9/2016 16/9/2016
902-07 Air-conditioning in schools 27/3/2008 1,248 15/4/2008 Referred Minister 16/4/2008 16/5/2008 13/6/2008
1906-12 Airsoft legislation 29/10/2012 402 30/10/2012 Hon Jack Dempsey MP 1/11/2012 29/11/2012 29/11/2012
3364-20 Albert Street access in historic Logan Village not be resumed for a 4-lane highway through the Village 9/8/2020 252 11/8/2020 Hon Mark Bailey MP 12/8/2020 10/9/2020 10/9/2020
2903-18 Alcohol and domestic violence - shared models of care 13/5/2018 116 15/5/2018 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 16/5/2018 14/6/2018 14/6/2018
2251-14 All Queensland Child Care Services and Centres to become mandatory reporters supporting the rights of the child 29/10/2014 169 30/10/2014 Hon Tracy Davis MP 5/11/2014 1/12/2014 1/12/2014
3936-23 All Translink bus routes in the GPS unit 11/2/2024 432
1507-10 All convictions should be recorded 9/2/2011 364 16/2/2011 Hon Cameron Dick MP 17/2/2011 18/3/2011 18/3/2011
3805-22 All local government roads should be properly maintained 25/11/2022 784 29/11/2022 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 2/12/2022 3/1/2023 16/12/2022
2889-18 All public passenger services to use transit lanes and bus lanes 19/3/2018 275 20/3/2018 Hon Mark Bailey MP 21/3/2018 19/4/2018 19/4/2018
2084-13 Allow Kuranda District to separate from Mareeba Shire 11/9/2013 83 12/9/2013 Hon David Crisafulli MP 13/9/2013 14/10/2013 23/9/2013
3699-22 Allow Queensland Councils to sustainably manage deer within their boundaries 1/8/2022 3,109 16/8/2022 Hon Mark Furner MP 17/8/2022 15/9/2022 14/9/2022
2631-16 Allow U-turn, travelling southbound on Currumburra Road at the intersection of Ashmore Road in Ashmore 31/1/2017 44 14/2/2017 Hon Mark Bailey MP 17/2/2017 16/3/2017 16/3/2017
3260-19 Allow affected landowners to apply for compensation when local governments change flood mapping 7/2/2020 808 18/2/2020 Hon Cameron Dick MP 18/2/2020 19/3/2020 19/3/2020
1483-10 Allow companion dogs in cafes 25/10/2010 2,147 26/10/2010 Hon Paul Lucas MP 27/10/2010 25/11/2010 26/11/2010
3347-20 Allow the sale and use of pepper spray in Queensland for the purpose of self-defence 2/12/2020 855 3/12/2020 Hon Mark Ryan MP 3/12/2020 4/1/2021 5/1/2021
2969-18 Allowing visually impaired persons to obtain Disability Parking Scheme Permit 4/12/2018 2,333 12/2/2019 Hon Mark Bailey MP 14/2/2019 14/3/2019 14/3/2019
3779-22 Alternate Method of Preferential Voting 31/1/2023 799 21/2/2023 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 23/2/2023 23/3/2023 23/3/2023
3786-22 Alternate Method of Preferential Voting #2 31/1/2023 269 21/2/2023 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 23/2/2023 23/3/2023 23/3/2023
3158-19 Ambulance Station - Ormeau 19/8/2019 215 20/8/2019 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 22/8/2019 19/9/2019 19/9/2019
1031-08 Amend Food Act 2006 to allow provision of food to needy & homeless 3/10/2008 476 7/10/2008 Referred Minister 8/10/2008 7/11/2008 28/11/2008
2532-16 Amend laws to include bullying and cyber-bullying 23/5/2016 5,068 24/5/2016 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 25/5/2016 23/6/2016 23/6/2016
2894-18 Amend laws to include bullying and cyber-bullying 22/7/2018 398 21/8/2018 Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 29/8/2018 20/9/2018
3915-23 Amend random roadside presumptive testing laws to exempt holders of medicinal cannabis prescriptions 26/12/2023 12,183
2685-17 Amend section 72 of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 to make it compulsory for employers to train Workplace Health and Safety Representatives in accredited Comcare course within three months of appointment to role and an annual refresher 30/4/2017 61 9/5/2017 Hon Grace Grace MP 11/5/2017 8/6/2017 8/6/2017
2892-18 Amend the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 11/6/2018 129 12/6/2018 Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP 13/6/2018 12/7/2018 10/7/2018
3216-19 Amend the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Regulation 2018 to have painting and decorating removed from the Queensland Home Warranty Insurance Scheme 11/2/2020 831 18/2/2020 Hon Mick de Brenni MP 18/2/2020 19/3/2020 19/3/2020
2991-18 Amendment and annulment of s.234 of the Local Government Act 2012 (Qld) 13/11/2018 439 14/11/2018 Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP 15/11/2018 14/12/2018 6/12/2018
2422-15 Amendment to Regulation 270A Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 - Cannabis for medical purposes 14/9/2015 1,474 15/9/2015 Hon Cameron Dick MP 17/9/2015 15/10/2015 16/10/2015
2315-14 Amendment to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal claim limit 31/3/2015 171 5/5/2015 Hon Yvette D'Ath MP 6/5/2015 4/6/2015 4/6/2015
3144-19 Amendments to Part 4 the Local Government Act Qld 2009 19/8/2019 908 20/8/2019 22/8/2019 19/9/2019 12/9/2019
1919-12 Amendments to Surrogacy Act 2010 16/9/2012 5,377 30/10/2012 Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP 1/11/2012 29/11/2012 21/11/2012
2283-14 Amendments to sections 132 and 134 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, enable court proceedings for debts past the due date for services not provided and a debt not in default 25/8/2014 22 26/8/2014 Hon David Crisafulli MP 27/8/2014 25/9/2014 23/9/2014
2645-16 Amnesty for terminally ill child 31/10/2016 2,061 1/11/2016 Hon Cameron Dick MP 3/11/2016 1/12/2016 1/12/2016
2204-13 Announcement of Solaria Ban 20/10/13 10/2/2014 8,007 11/2/2014 Hon Lawrence Springborg MP 13/2/2014 13/3/2014 7/3/2014
2957-18 Anti-bullying education 15/10/2018 1,410 31/10/2018 Hon Grace Grace MP 1/11/2018 30/11/2018
3157-19 Anti-hooning CCTV and infrastructure in Numinbah Valley 22/10/2019 639 23/10/2019 Hon Mark Ryan MP 24/10/2019 22/11/2019 21/11/2019
3457-21 Anzac Avenue rehabilitation, Marian 8/3/2021 277 9/3/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 10/3/2021 8/4/2021 8/4/2021
1563-10 Anzac Park not car park 24/11/2010 591 25/11/2010 Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP 29/11/2010 4/1/2011 19/1/2011
3827-22 Apology and compensation to Logan Councillors 24/11/2022 1,048 29/11/2022 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 2/12/2022 3/1/2023 16/12/2022
3756-22 Appeal Against Manifestly Inadequate Sentence 5/7/2022 53,540 16/8/2022 Hon Shannon Fentiman MP 17/8/2022 15/9/2022
Showing 1 to 100 of 1957 entries