Showing 1 to 100 of 1985 entries
Number of Signatures Tabled
Referred to Minister(s)
Date Referred
Response Due
Response Tabled
206-03 Double jeopardy laws 29,686 19/8/2003 Referred Minister 21/8/2003 20/9/2003 7/10/2003
1498-10 Delay of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital 21,871 4/8/2010 Hon Paul Lucas MP 5/8/2010 3/9/2010 3/9/2010
2445-15 No net-free fishing zones in Queensland 20,162 15/9/2015 Hon Bill Byrne MP 16/9/2015 15/10/2015 2/10/2015
1320-09 Vehicle registration, four-wheel drives 19,728 6/10/2009 Referred Minister 7/10/2009 6/11/2009 9/11/2009
392-04 Reject proposal to amalgamate Noosa Shire with other Shires on the Sunshine Coast 18,747 20/10/2004 Referred Minister 21/10/2004 20/11/2004 15/12/2004
1340-09 Queensland teachers - enterprise bargaining agreement 17,915 10/11/2009 Hon Geoff Wilson MP 11/11/2009 10/12/2009 3/2/2010
521-05 No More Green Lights to the Red Light Industry 17,312 24/8/2005 Referred Minister 25/8/2005 24/9/2005 6/10/2005
3014-18 We oppose the proposed Queensland abortion law reform that allows abortion to full term and contains no safeguards for women considering abortion 15,483 20/9/2018 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 21/9/2018 22/10/2018 22/10/2018
682-06 Protect the lives and homes of the people and animals of the Mary Valley, who are threatened by the dam at Traveston crossing 15,353 9/6/2006 Referred Minister 14/6/2006 14/7/2006 5/7/2006
702-06 Gold Coast, Cruise Ship Terminal 15,164 9/8/2006 Referred Minister 10/8/2006 9/9/2006 11/10/2006
2657-16 School transport assistance program for students with a disability in Queensland 15,016 1/11/2016 Hon Kate Jones MP 3/11/2016 1/12/2016 1/12/2016
840-07 Oppose forced amalgamation of Queensland Councils 12,188 6/6/2007 Referred Minister 7/6/2007 7/7/2007 12/10/2007
2094-13 Save the Wynnum Hospital from closure 12,142 18/4/2013 Hon Lawrence Springborg MP 18/4/2013 20/5/2013 22/5/2013
2104-13 Referendum to de-amalgamate Redcliffe City Council 11,633 1/5/2013 Hon David Crisafulli MP 2/5/2013 31/5/2013 28/5/2013
907-07 Short term cash loans (Cash Converters) 11,509 9/10/2007 Referred Minister 11/10/2007 10/11/2007 2/1/2008
3622-21 State controlled road safety issue - Gympie to Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach 11,232 12/10/2021 Hon Mark Bailey MP 15/10/2021 11/11/2021 11/11/2021
873-07 No amalgamation for Redcliffe City Council 11,113 9/8/2007 Referred Minister 10/8/2007 9/9/2007 2/10/2007
1831-11 Capricorn Coast and rural areas of the former Livingstone Shire to de-amalgamate from the Rockhampton Regional Council 10,549 30/11/2011 Hon Paul Lucas MP 1/12/2011 3/1/2012 3/1/2012
181-03 Paint sniffing 10,400 14/5/2003 Referred Minister 15/5/2003 14/6/2003 25/6/2003
615-06 Adequate staffing by medical practitioners at the Caboolture Hospital 9,786 15/2/2006 Referred Minister 16/2/2006 18/3/2006 20/3/2006
1098-08 Cairns Yacht Club 9,633 27/8/2008 Referred Minister 28/8/2008 27/9/2008 10/10/2008
2381-15 De-amalgamate Maryborough region from Fraser Coast Regional Council 8,653 5/5/2015 Hon Jackie Trad MP 6/5/2015 4/6/2015 4/6/2015
1451-10 Re-instate a renal unit in the Maryborough Hospital 8,327 20/5/2010 Hon Paul Lucas MP 21/5/2010 21/6/2010 18/6/2010
581-05 Services provided at the Maryborough Base Hospital 8,158 9/11/2005
412-04 Legalising ferret ownership in Queensland 7,989 24/11/2004 Referred Minister 25/11/2004 25/12/2004 21/12/2004
2454-15 Reinstate the Pathology Department at the Maryborough Hospital 7,920 16/9/2015 Hon Cameron Dick MP 17/9/2015 16/10/2015 16/10/2015
940-07 Cardiac Surgical Facilities in the Cairns region 7,592 13/11/2007 Referred Minister 14/11/2007 14/12/2007 18/12/2007
763-06 Support to end killing of abandoned cats and dogs 7,343 30/11/2006 Referred Minister 4/12/2006 3/1/2007 1/2/2007
675-06 Truth in sentencing 7,319 7/6/2006 Referred Minister 9/6/2006 9/7/2006 15/12/2006
3001-18 End suicide and suffering for people with mental illness and disabilities 7,204 4/9/2018 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 5/9/2018 4/10/2018
2476-15 Nets Out Queensland 7,118 14/10/2015 Hon Bill Byrne MP 19/10/2015 13/11/2015 3/11/2015
1349-09 CT Scanner and Ultrasound facilities for the Atherton Hospital 7,057 24/11/2009 Hon Paul Lucas MP 25/11/2009 24/12/2009 26/2/2010
1677-11 Proposed Boral Gold Coast Hard Rock Quarry 6,909 11/5/2011 Hon Andrew Fraser MP 13/5/2011 10/6/2011 7/6/2011
2020-12 Palliative Care Unit based in Maryborough 6,868 27/11/2012 Hon Lawrence Springborg MP 28/11/2012 7/1/2013 12/12/2012
2297-14 Save Queensland's motor sporting venues from severe restrictions or forced closure 6,710 26/8/2014 Hon Jeff Seeney MP 29/8/2014 25/9/2014 1/10/2014
2379-15 Direct access to Aussie World and neighbouring shops/petrol station be provided off the Bruce Highway 6,603 5/5/2015 Hon Mark Bailey MP 6/5/2015 4/6/2015 4/6/2015
302-04 Boating Safety, South-East of Queensland from the Tweed River (Queensland-New South Wales Border) to Bundaberg 6,599 21/4/2004 Referred Minister 23/4/2004 23/5/2004 23/6/2004
2810-17 Rethink mosque to save Brisbane's biodiversity areas and Bulimba Creek 6,585 22/8/2017 Hon Jackie Trad MP 23/8/2017 21/9/2017 20/9/2017
4034-24 Save Australian Seafood (TEST) 6,479 24/5/2024
3986-23 Save Australian Seafood 6,479 14/11/2023 Hon Mark Furner MP 16/11/2023 14/12/2023 15/12/2023
172-03 Protection and preservation of Miami bushland comprising of Lot 612 and Lot 683 in RP4259. 6,428 30/4/2003 Referred Minister 1/5/2003 31/5/2003 24/6/2003
2669-16 Funding discussions to upgrade the Pacific Motorway (M1) from Varsity Lakes to Tugun 6,316 29/11/2016 Hon Mark Bailey MP 2/12/2016 3/1/2017 3/1/2017
1416-10 The need to increase the patient travel subsidy scheme accommodation allowance 6,292 14/4/2010 Hon Paul Lucas MP 15/4/2010 14/5/2010 23/9/2010
106-02 Commercial fishing in Hervey Bay 6,239 7/11/2002 Referred Minister 8/11/2002 8/12/2002 6/1/2003
2214-14 Objection to the proposed Broadwater marine project 6,090 11/2/2014 Hon Jeff Seeney MP 13/2/2014 13/3/2014 19/3/2014
934-07 Helicopter for use by Gold Coast Police 6,081 30/10/2007 Referred Minister 31/10/2007 30/11/2007 7/5/2008
80-02 Change in hours of the operation of Caltex Boyne River 5,875 4/9/2002 Referred Minister 12/9/2002 12/10/2002 13/11/2002
1707-11 Urgent upgrade to the Emergency Department and implementation of a low risk birthing unit at the Maryborough Hospital 5,606 15/6/2011 Hon Geoff Wilson MP 16/6/2011 15/7/2011 15/7/2011
2478-15 New hospital for Atherton 5,588 14/10/2015 Hon Cameron Dick MP 15/10/2015 13/11/2015 24/11/2015
863-07 Two Oncologists for Gold Coast Hospital 5,405 8/8/2007 Referred Minister 13/8/2007 12/9/2007 24/10/2007
198-03 Save Halse Lodge Guest House 5,347 6/6/2003 Referred Minister 17/6/2003 17/7/2003 25/7/2003
1401-10 Abortion legislation 5,343 23/3/2010 Hon Cameron Dick MP 24/3/2010 22/4/2010 23/4/2010
535-05 Cruise liner terminal in the Broadwater 5,235 28/9/2005 Referred Minister 6/10/2005 5/11/2005 21/11/2005
1692-11 Safety audit and analysis of the Bruce Highway between Rockhampton and Mackay 5,219 25/5/2011 Hon Craig Wallace MP 1/6/2011 24/6/2011 27/6/2011
714-06 Banning of duck and quail hunting 5,097 11/10/2006 Referred Minister 17/10/2006 16/11/2006 30/11/2006
3133-19 Change outdated Queensland laws that allow hit-and-run perpetrators to walk free 5,063 14/5/2019 Hon Mark Bailey MP 15/5/2019 13/6/2019 13/6/2019
628-06 Construct, man, maintain and fully fund a 24 hour a day fire station in Nerang 5,000 9/3/2006 Referred Minister 10/3/2006 9/4/2006 20/4/2006
756-06 Save False Cape, Cairns 5,000 30/11/2006 Referred Minister 4/12/2006 3/1/2007 5/2/2007
239-03 Public Radiation Therapy Centre at Nambour Hospital 4,908 10/9/2003 Referred Minister 11/9/2003 11/10/2003 20/10/2003
839-07 Proposed closure of the Amberley State School 4,850 5/6/2007 Referred Minister 7/6/2007 7/7/2007 8/8/2007
640-06 Law and order – Southern Gold Coast 4,798 19/4/2006 Referred Minister 20/4/2006 20/5/2006 8/11/2006
3183-19 New railway station for Pimpama 4,745 20/8/2019 Hon Mark Bailey MP 22/8/2019 19/9/2019 19/9/2019
300-04 Unacceptable treatment shown to David Gill of the Mareeba Wild Animal Park 4,701 21/4/2004 Referred Minister 23/4/2004 23/5/2004 2/6/2004
265-03 Horse racing cutbacks in regional and remote Queensland 4,699 25/11/2003 Referred Minister 26/11/2003 26/12/2003 18/12/2003
2860-18 Reinstate Mareeba Hospital to its full capacity 4,679 15/2/2018 Hon Dr Steven Miles MP 21/2/2018 19/3/2018 19/3/2018
1050-08 Oncologist for Gladstone Public Hospital 4,658 29/4/2008 Referred Minister 30/4/2008 30/5/2008 26/6/2008
2262-14 Commercial waste management and recycling services provided by the Sunshine Coast Council 4,580 20/5/2014 Hon David Crisafulli MP 21/5/2014 19/6/2014 20/6/2014
1062-08 Add 'Buderim' to directional signs on Bruce Highway 4,542 14/5/2008 Referred Minister 16/5/2008 15/6/2008 18/7/2008
658-06 Cairns Yacht Club and site 4,533 24/5/2006 Referred Minister 25/5/2006 24/6/2006 23/5/2007
2364-15 Recognition of the game of Bridge as a sport and recreation for Bridge Clubs 4,513 26/3/2015 Hon Bill Byrne MP 30/3/2015 27/4/2015 15/4/2015
1557-10 Downer EDI Consortium - rail car contract 4,472 27/10/2010 Hon Rachel Nolan MP 28/10/2010 26/11/2010 26/11/2010
1736-11 Netting around Gladstone 4,467 3/8/2011 Hon Vicky Darling MP 4/8/2011 2/9/2011 1/9/2011
2421-15 Queensland Fishing Industry 4,350 16/7/2015 Hon Bill Byrne MP 17/7/2015 17/8/2015
1114-08 Dialysis machine for Kingaroy Hospital 4,328 10/9/2008 Referred Minister 12/9/2008 12/10/2008 27/10/2008
2620-16 Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 4,271 17/8/2016 Hon Jackie Trad MP 22/8/2016 16/9/2016 16/9/2016
2896-18 Harsher penalties for negligent driving causing death or serious injury 4,173 20/3/2018 Hon Mark Bailey MP 21/3/2018 19/4/2018 19/4/2018
1294-09 Townsville boating facilities upgrade 4,145 2/9/2009 Referred Minister 3/9/2009 3/10/2009 17/11/2009
510-05 Inappropriate and harmful actions of the Big Brother television program 4,122 11/8/2005
1977-12 Support National Disability Insurance Scheme 4,106 13/9/2012 Hon Tracy Davis MP 14/9/2012 15/10/2012 18/10/2012
2452-15 Don't Sink Our Ports 4,099 15/9/2015 Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP 16/9/2015 15/10/2015 16/10/2015
1636-11 Canossa Private Hospital, palliative care beds 4,091 9/3/2011 Hon Geoff Wilson MP 15/3/2011 8/4/2011 8/4/2011
2923-18 De-Amalgamation from Southern Downs Regional Council 4,087 2/5/2018 Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP 2/5/2018 1/6/2018 30/5/2018
1751-11 Upgrade the section of the Atherton Tablelands road from the Lake Eacham Roadhouse to Yungaburra through to Atherton 4,085 24/8/2011 Hon Craig Wallace MP 25/8/2011 23/9/2011 19/9/2011
920-07 Allow qualified natural healing practitioners to practice within the Queensland Public Health system 3,991 11/10/2007 Referred Minister 11/10/2007 10/11/2007 15/11/2007
1822-11 Caloundra City Hospital - services and funding 3,980 29/11/2011 Hon Geoff Wilson MP 6/12/2011 3/1/2012 22/12/2011
1839-11 Hills District - Transfer from Moreton Bay Regional Council to Brisbane City Council jurisdiction 3,976 1/12/2011 Hon Paul Lucas MP 9/12/2011 3/1/2012 3/1/2012
2518-15 Maroochy Sands extraction operation at Forest Glen 3,968 1/12/2015 Hon Jackie Trad MP 3/12/2015 4/1/2016 4/1/2016
409-04 The plight of Ingham Hospital and the struggle to maintain key medical staff 3,963 24/11/2004 Referred Minister 25/11/2004 25/12/2004 20/12/2004
1510-10 No confidence in the Fraser Coast Regional Council 3,921 18/8/2010 Hon Desley Boyle MP 19/8/2010 17/9/2010 17/9/2010
1631-11 Stricter laws governing sentencing for cruelty to animals 3,888 8/3/2011 Hon Tim Mulherin MP 10/3/2011 7/4/2011 8/4/2011
1070-08 Power lines from Varsity Lakes to Tugan 3,873 3/6/2008 Referred Minister 5/6/2008 5/7/2008 12/11/2008
1515-10 Save our public access trails in State Forests 3,864 31/8/2010 Hon Kate Jones MP 1/9/2010 30/9/2010 4/10/2010
2719-17 Expressions of interest for an Educational Nature Reserve on the Sunshine Coast 3,792 28/2/2017 Hon Dr Anthony Lynham MP 1/3/2017 30/3/2017 3/4/2017
278-03 Inadequate provision of policing resources in Tewantin, Noosaville and Noosa Heads 3,774 27/11/2003
874-07 High School for students in Mt Crosby, Karana Downs, Karalee and Chuwar 3,757 9/8/2007 Referred Minister 10/8/2007 9/9/2007 7/9/2007
2361-15 Cannabis for medical purposes 3,750 26/3/2015 Hon Cameron Dick MP 2/4/2015 27/4/2015 28/4/2015
3182-19 Open an existing road bridge at Pimpama 3,748 20/8/2019 Hon Mark Bailey MP 30/8/2019 19/9/2019 19/9/2019
803-07 Granting of bail for serious sexual assault and serious offences 3,694 18/4/2007 Referred Minister 19/4/2007 19/5/2007 4/6/2007
2077-13 Closure of Eventide Nursing Home and Zillmere's Ashworth House 3,659 19/3/2013 Hon Lawrence Springborg MP 20/3/2013 18/4/2013 19/4/2013
2178-13 West Petrie Bypass (MBRC) 3,653 15/10/2013 Hon Scott Emerson MP 17/10/2013 14/11/2013 14/11/2013
Showing 1 to 100 of 1985 entries