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Each year we bring the Queensland Parliament to classrooms around Queensland.
Our regional program:
- is free
- has a duration of around an hour or a timetabled lesson
- is suitable for Year 5 to Year 12 students studying HASS, Civics and Citzenship and Legal Studies
- can take place in any space where we can create a mock-parliament with your students, such as a hall, resource centre or classroom
- explores concepts includes the three levels of government, represententative government and the law-making process through several hands-on activities, including a role play.
Our regional outreach locations rotate on a four-year cycle, ensuring that as many schools as possible have the opportunity to participate in our programs.
2025 schedule
Kingaroy, Cherbourg and surrounds
18 and 19 March
Expressions of interest are now closed.
Cairns, Yarrabah and surrounds
19 and 20 August
Expressions of interest open now.
Proserpine and Bowen
9 to 11 September
Expressions of interest open now.
Longreach, Barcaldine, Winton and Blackall
4 to 6 November
Expressions of interest open now.
For more information, contact:
Parliamentary Education team
Queensland Parliamentary Service
Phone: 07 3553 6413 or 07 3553 6415
Email: Parliamentary.Education@parliament.qld.gov.au