How Parliament Works

How Parliament Works

This half-day seminar is designed to give public sector officers an overview of Queensland's parliamentary system of Government. Topics include constitutional provisions for State Government, roles and structures of the Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary. 

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Interacting with Parliament - Practice and Procedure

Interacting with Parliament - Practice and Procedure

This full-day seminar is designed to give public sector officers a detailed knowledge and understanding of the processes and procedures the Parliament uses to scrutinise the actions of the Executive Government. Topics include the application of the separation of powers to Queensland's unicameral Parliament, reforms to the Parliamentary Committee system, Budget and Estimates processes and more!

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Parliament and Government Processes

Regional Public Sector Seminars

The Parliamentary Education team conducts public sector seminars during educational outreach programs for regional Queenslanders.This comprehensive full day seminar will provide a detailed understanding of the relationship between the Parliament and the Executive, and of the roles and responsibilities of public servants within government and parliamentary processes.

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Teacher Professional Development

The Parliamentary Education team provides free in-person and online professional development opportunities for HASS, Civics and Citizenship and Legal Studies teachers.

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Committees at Work


This half-day seminar will provide the most up to date and practical information on the reform and modernisation of Queensland’s parliamentary committee system and its impacts on public sector officers. The structure and purpose of the new portfolio-based committees will be outlined, together with an overview of the role of parliamentary committees.

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